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상품상세설명 참조 마이크로소프트 MS SQL Server 2016 Standard 영문 패키지 10CAL 포함
Microsoft SQL Server Core 2016
Wrox Pr Inc Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services and Mobile Reports
Microsoft Pr McSa SQL 2016 Database Administration Exam Ref 2-Pack: Exam Refs 70-764 and 70-765
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Microsoft Press MCSA SQL Server 2016 Database Development Exam Ref 2-Pack: Exam Refs 70-761 and 70-762
Packt Publishing MDX with Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services Cookbook - Third Edition: Relevant and powerful new recipes added
McGraw-Hill Education Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2016, Fourth Edition
McGraw-Hill Education Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services, Fifth Edition
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Beginner SQL Programming Using Microsoft SQL Server 2016
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Beginner Database Design & SQL Programming Using Microsoft SQL Server 2016
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